Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
In the alternative, put on a protective glove to hold the LP, have the steamer in the the other hand. Steam clean ,then put the LP on the VPI for a scrub ,vaccum,lite steam (final rinse)& a final run on the VPI. I support Stltrains view that "just the smallest push of the trigger is needed to get positive results".
Thats an alternative method Crem but i dont think you can get the best effort or result by holding a lp in your hand steaming. A lazy susan would be a better idea. That way you would get a even spray while spinning with the other hand.

Now that i've been using paper towels to absorb the spray off and spilled water/cleaner no more drips from the bottom of my 16.5.
I don't have an RCM.

With the MC1235, I squeeze the trigger a couple of times pointing it into a cup or up in the air. You can hear it go to full steam. Then I listen to the pump and pull the trigger for 2-3 cycles, let go, pull trigger, etc. When I get to the rinse I let more water come out and chase the fluid off the record.
I've been cleaning with the MC1235 for about a month now and agree a careful finger on the trigger helps but I do get sputtering at times and a little more water on the record than I'd like but not as much as some have reported. I'm using the exact method as shown on Stltrains video since it was very close to my method prior to discovering steam (multiple brushes, VPI cork mats, rinses). Thanks Stltrains for the phone number for NERL water back on 2-17. While ordering it the woman I spoke to asked if i was going to use it for record cleaning, saying they had a few such calls. I told her about your video and she was very pleased, hope you don't mind.