Step me up from Paradigm Studio 20 v4 bookshelf, seriously.

I have been around here for a few years. Enjoying the game about once or twice a week. Yes I am hooked. Kind of sort of laid back on forums. Bought and sold a sizeable amount of equipment with one-hundred percent feedback. Probably a mid-fi guy. Best pair of speakers I have owned to me are Paradigms, namely Studio 60 v4 and current Studio 20 v4. Can anyone take me beyond these? Yes, a bit temperamental they are. Have never stepped up to, I guess Hi Fi speakers? Have tried Spendor 8se (too polite?), Paradigm Monitor 7 (not as good as Studio versions), Elac dbr62 (close to Paradigms but not as refined), Totem Rainmaker (maybe too small, not sure been a while back), Monitor Audio Silver 2 (kind of like Paradigms). Hooked on my Paradigm Studio 20 so far. Current system = Mid-Fi integrated (?) Rotel RA-1572, Bluesound Node 2i, Marantz SA-8004, Mhdt Orchid DAC (seriously love it), fair amount of decent cables. Like pop/rock music mainly. Integrated amps I have used: Rotel Rx-1052, Sim 340i DPX, Rotel RA-1572 (current), Musical Fidelity A3.5, NAD C368, Arcam.

Mostly into monitors/bookshelf due to room size, maybe front ported. Thinking of maybe some Spendor A1, Harbeth P3SR (or other models), Reference De Capo, Fritz?, Pro Ac?, B & W? No room treatments in my 14 by 18 room, as is fairly inert acoustically. I am an older retired audiophile (55-70). A bit of tinnitus, so nothing too bright. On Audiogon daily. Looking for some input/ideas. Lateral moves probable?

Any serious input welcome (maybe a bit of non-serious just for fun!). Love this hobby.



With a budget of $3000, within either the new or used market, I am sure you can find a pair that improves on the Studio 20s. I once owned the 20s (V4) that you own. Very much enjoyed them, very dynamic, exciting. Then bought a pair of Esoteric MG10s. I didn't loose out on anything from the 20s presentation however gained much greater refinement. The MG10s were far more articulate across the frequency range. Rarely see them used as they were removed from the US market `10 years ago. They were a great $2800 speaker. 
I'm an Usher fan, so much so, I own 3 pair. I need to part with my BE-718s. These were praised by all of the press. I'm not familiar with your amp but their sensitivity is around 84 db. These thrive on power.

PM me if interested.

May be weak on Power here? Rotel Ra-1572. Have checked those speakers out on web a few times though.
I  have a pair of Studio 60's V5 driven with both 100 wpc ss and Audio Space Galaxy KT88, both sound very full with the KT88 offering more detail. Now have second room specific to CD/SACD playback, and am using Sony SACD (XA5400ES w Modwright Truth upgrade) to Sony STR 5700 via HDMI, which supports their proprietary H.A.T.S. technology...and feeding to a pair of Opera Seconda's. Room sizes are similar, in the 13 x 14 x 9 range. I'm not sure if its the Sony combo, or the Opera's, or both...but that combination is amazingly clear and well defined, with depth and width of sound-staging that blows me away for the smallish size rooms I have. The Opera's are worth giving a listen to if you can find a pair to try.