Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?

Some of you may aware of my Garrard 301 project, it’s now very close to completion. The plinth finally shipped from Hungry after 3 months of long wait.

Given my last experience with Hana Umami Red, I would like to take things to the next level. Which brings me to mating low output cart with a SUT. Every review I’ve read so far suggests when the SUT-MC match is right, the end result is heavenly. The bass is right, the midrange is clear, and most importantly, the highs are relaxed and extended—not rolled off.

I am not saying you can’t get great sound without a SUT but it appears with a properly matched SUT, sound can be quite magical.

Thought this would be the right time to get input from experienced users here since I am still contemplating my cartridge and outboard phonostage options.

My preference would be to go with a tube phono…I kinda miss tinkering with tubes :-)

My system, Garrard 301 (fully refurbished), Reed 3P tonearm, Accuphase E-650 with built-in AD50 analog board ➡️ Tannoy Canterbury’s.

Cart and phono under consideration through my dealer,

Fuuga - Output : 0.35 mVrms | Impedance : 2.5 Ω (1kHz)

Phonostage - Tron Convergence and Konus Audio Phono Series 1000

The cart - MC combination, I am lusting after is Etsuro Urushi Bordeaux MC with their Etsuro Transformer.

The other transformer is EMIA, cooper or silver version.

Your input is appreciated!


@mulveling Glad you like it. Yes it does limit arm choices. Fortunately, the Schroeder CB fits perfectly and it is a great arm that can be adapted to any cartridge. I have run everything from the very stiff MC Diamond to the Shure V15 getting all to my favorite 5 to 8Hz resonance point. You can get away with lower resonance points on the Cosmos resulting in better, tighter bass. My Name is Mudd thunders.  Other arms include all of the Origin Live arms (the CB is better than any of them IMHO), the Kuzma 4 point 9, a great arm and the 9" SMEs. I am not as familiar with FR arms. I never look at arms with removable head shells. I prefer no contacts between cartridge clips and phono stage XLRs ala CB and 4 Point 9. The CB has litz wire in a kevlar casing. You can hang yourself with it. I have changed cartridges 100 times if not more and the wires and clips are none the worse for wear. All my cartridges get a mounting plate of the right mass for that particular cartridge. The plates are lined up initially using the SmarTractor and then they are marked with an awl. The position then becomes quickly repeatable without the need for the SmarTractor again. I just have to set VTF and anti skate. The CB's central post has a scale on it so returning to the same VTA for a given cartridge is no fuss easy. 

I do not know if you have noticed yet, but vacuum clamping can produce quite a static charge. This will be worse in the Winter months. If you notice this, I have a record cleaning formula that will prevent it. You have to have a vacuum drying machine to use it. 

I have a buddy who tells me I need a STU. I don't know what to get. 

My gear is a Triangle Art Zeus cartridge, Herron VTPH-2 phono preamp, NAT Audio Symmetrical preamplifier. NAT Audio Magma M mono blocks and Magico A3 speakers.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


@vuch You have more than enough gain to run that cartridge. If you think you need more switch to the 4 12AX7 1 12AT7 configuration. A SUT is not needed at all. 

“I’m guessing your feedback was well into audible spectrum”


Yes, it was to the point that I couldn’t listen through Allnic as it lacks subsonic filter. I went back to phono board in my Accuphase Integrated, which is pretty darn good and has a subsonic filter. Encouraged by its ability, I went ahead and ordered the latest version of phono board - AD60, thought what the heck, for $1275; it wouldn’t hurt to have the latest phono board if I opted to return the Allnic H-6500 phono.

I am now looking into upgrading couple of internal parts to further reduce / eliminate vibrations from Garrard’s motor and bearing. I am not completely satisfied with its performance in stock version. This thing reminds me of gearheads who are constantly working towards improving the performance of garage kept (mostly) classic automobiles…lol!

Like I said elsewhere, an outboard PS designed for the Garrard motor will likely reduce noise by running the motor at lower voltages. There are several good options and easy to resell if you’re not happy.