++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++

Any of you guys who have listened to more components than I have, or maybe anyone who has been in the industry: I see a lot of posts mentioning "stereophile class A " etc, so I assume this recommendation carries a lot of weight. (After purchasing my Audio PHysic Virgo II's, I saw that they were class A in stereophile, so I felt like I agreed with what they were saying.) Are the reviews completely independent? With the vast array of components out there, can they really cover all of them? Do you guys really agree with the class A and B thing? Thanks for the perspective....Mark
Well, this divorced daddy is cooking dinner for the youngens, never quite know how its gonna come out. Did I miss anything? I remember, and having cancelled my subscription to Stereophile because it was $36 and I thought it was too expensive compared to others I like. Now I think the magazine is a good price but I cant afford the equipment I would really like. Go figure.
Sean wrote: "Kal must have found a good rock to hide under...."

Meaning what?

"or is either more selective / more careful about how and what he writes : )"

You might say so; I could not possibly comment. ;-)
Kal: I meant that you only poke your head out from under the rock when it was safe to do so. No negative connotations implied as using that approach would only show a sign of "smarts". Your last comment ( or lack of one ) only proves the point : ) Sean
Wow, what fun this is, mixing pure BS politic'n with our pleasure/fun/hobby....you guys are killing so many of us with this drivel that you guys should be labled internet

Sean, I jest. I am actually intrigued enough to review your threads. No jest. I don't believe I have ever met any Stereophile reviewers. Kal seems like a humorous fellow.