Stereophile complains it's readers are too informed.

I was relieved to read the opening column of the latest stereophile. There is a of Dr toole followers that do believe because he wrote the book and contracts to HK that anything other than Revel is a complete wast of time and money.

Those that need to believe, god bless ya'll. 
First how boring would hifi be if we only had Dr Toole designs to choose from.
My experience doesn't jive with his and designing speakers with his requirements puts unnecessary requirements on partnering components reducing odds for successful implementation.huh, I mean the speakers can sound good, but often don't.
Most of us agree measurements aren't complete because we can find speakers that measure quite similar, but sound very different. Dr Toole offers his science as to why, science is theory.

1,518 posts
07-17-2020 9:53am
Some people, due to a lack of imagination, which is tied to a lack of cognitive speed or range, tend to drift into diktats, papal bulls and rule books.

As they can’t do the range, flavors, nor the risk ---of the intelligence shuffle.

That thing which comes to the forefront, when some are out of their range. The animal thing of knowing how safe they are.

The body, the emotions, the hindbrain... comes to the forefront, it forces the mind to retreat, when it can’t intellectually reach a thing. Danger!

So they get ’factual’, and ’linear’ and ’law-book’ oriented. They consult the biblical texts and lawbooks of their area of trade or ’expertise’, as they don’t have the range to be in the field, inventing or perusing the living moving always changing -edge of it all.

Oh yes. they, generally speaking -absolutely HATE the people who can.

They hate them for minimal sin (of all the sins of the intelligent and capable) where they can’t cognate the essence of what intelligence does or how it moves. They can’t decipher it and it’s not in the book.

Intelligence, much to it’s chagrin, to keep the entire thing moving or flowing.... is forced to be kind, in return, seemingly...forever. The endless beatings from the lack of intelligence. It’s called an act of humanity.

Some days, it wears thin.

I love you man.
Thanks hilde45....

I am astonished after my 2 years own journey to make Hi-Fi my own experience, to learn that most people have no idea how....

Reviewers sells, consumers buy.....

But how to create a Hi-Fi experience is never adress even here, only by small pieces, never facing the real fundamental problem: How to embed an audio system?

The audio community is divided in subjectivist, objectivist, sellers, consumers, engineers, regular folks and all in between these categories...

No consensus at all...

But i will repat myself, it is simple: the fundamental audio problem, after creating a new electronic design, is how to embed it....

Is it not clear like day?


This was the problem i has to solve for myself in the last 2 years without which i will be till my death in the without end upgrade race to create my hi-fi experience...

It is way less costly to rightfully embed an already good system, than buying other so called better pieces to solve the puzzle....

is it not true?
By the way embedding the speakers is the more complex task ,even more complex than adressing the noise floor of the electrcal grid of the house, or the mechanical resonance of the audio parts...


Because the speakers dont exist apart from the room, and apart from the ears....

Speakers+ room + ears = one not 3 elements...

It is also the more rewarding part in S.Q. results at the end....

If Toole were to test a group of fruit-eaters, durian would probably score very low--i.e. it would be rated as far away from the "standard" of good or acceptable flavor.

Yet a few people really enjoy it.

I get what Stereophile appears to be saying, but it does sound a bit desperate.  If a given speaker deviates significantly from a "classical standard", I want to know a bit more than just that the designer is an industry maverick.