Stereophile's 2021 products of the year

  And wow! Schiit Audio 20w Class-A Aegir stereo poweramp made it into the A rating.
Cheers George
Haters love to hate.

If you read JA's comments in the measurements - plenty of reviews have cautionary(can even read some as 'negative') comments.

I don't think some here have even read it, but the pile on is to be expected.

To the dude with limited reading comprehension, never said there are no good speakers with less than 92dB. What I did was answer a question, what if any measurements are important? Speaker sensitivity surely is one of them. Notice, since I actually do read and comprehend, I do not twist your words around into something you never said. I take what you actually did say and show how you completely misunderstand the message.

Anyone looking to build a great music system will do well to exclude from consideration speakers with low sensitivity. Such a speaker will limit your amplifier choices. Since the sound you get is not all due to the speaker but is the sum total of everything in the system, then things like choosing hard to drive speakers exact a price in terms of having to spend more money on amplifiers. Therefore, if you want the best sound you can get for the least money you will do well to avoid such problems. Is that so hard to understand?

Your explanation above (starting with "Such a speaker will limit your amplifier choices...") is even nicely written.

However, tangentially related to the matter, you seem to continually ignore the fact that some people can actually afford to buy an amplifier.

It could be beneficial if you reposted your statement from above every time you wanted to explain benefits of higher-sensitivity speakers. Usually, you just come across as talking garbage about it. Like this, people would actually understand what the ground for your thoughts is. Then they could decide if they want to be frugal, or they may not care about spending more money for an amplifier. And you would get some points for advice.
High efficiency speakers limit your choice of speakers.  
Plus many high efficiency speakers have very limited bass. That’s how they achieve high efficiency.  
So there is more to it than that.  Unless you must  have high efficiency speakers to enable some otherwise limited amplifier.  
Most speakers even lower efficiency ones with modest power amps will go loud enough for most. 
WRT to measurement based assessment. I can recall instances where Stereophile reviewers have waxed lyrical over a product, only to have Atkinson pull out a pretty woeful set of measurements.

Border Patrol springs to mind. Class A recommended
There are others.