Stillpoints Aperture or Synergistic UEF panels Which one?

Stillpoints Aperture or Synergistic UEF panels Which one?
Both of these products have received rave reviews. The Stillpoints appear to be 4 times the cost of that of the Synergistic Research.

Currently, I am using some convoluted foam panels at the first and second reflection points and I also have many of the Synergistic HFT's through out the room. I also have ASC bass traps in all 4 corners.

I just tried a SR HFT in the center of the acoustic convoluted form panel and son of a gun it did lock in the soundstage. So, now I would like to pursue further with trying either one of these panels.

I have read somewhere that the SR HFT's do not work well with the SR UEF panels, which to me seems strange.

Any opinions would be appreciated.

Ozzy, I have tried both the panels and HFT's - I went with the panels and the UEF dots - I put them on walls - listened for a few days, took them off and listened again...they went back in immediately - couldn't listen without...I think you will like them - I have 8 panels and 10 dots. BTW - I really like the PPT product as well - which I know you also like. The sound opens up, soundstage increases, walls 'get out of the way more' - more air, space - but its warm, i.e. musical / natural - - its not over hyped detail. BTW, I have done the listen first, take down, listen again test with audiophile friends and they can't believe it...the difference is noticeable...there first response is 'what happened'? Where did the music go? 

Thanks so much for providing your actual experience. It really helps.
Did you try the SR panels with the HFT's?

BTW, Fed Ex missed the Friday then Saturday delivery dates. Now the tracking shows its out for delivery today (Sunday) but I just don't believe that now either. 
The Post Office seems equally hit and miss.

I had the HFT's originally then teamed with an ATM Atmosphere. While I really like most, if not all of synergistic research stuff, for me anyway, it was a little hi-fi for me - I sent the ATM back - and the standard HFT's - now, in fairness, this was before they came out with the 'warmer' hft 2.0 - which may have been in SR's response to some folks having this 'reaction' -  so perhaps these are great now - which knowing SR they probably are - 

I prefer a warmer, more natural presentation - detail for sure, but there is that fine line between detail and 'tipped' up, if you know what I's a quest! I will say this, the PPT stuff is very balanced and works as advertised. 

At any rate, I then tried the panels - with the dots and for me, it was a great combo - 8 panels and 10 + dots - I thought about 12 panels and I may add 4 more, but for now I really like what 8 do - I  know that the dealer I bought them from had a generous return policy -  The panels hang by a very small nail, so if you remove them, it's very unnoticeable...they also have a temporary 'tack' type stuff to avoid the nail...they have the same 'tack' for the UEF dots...I think it's best to combine the panels and dots? Best to talk with a rep - I know Alfred is super to deal with. You can try them and send back if they don't do it for you.