Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers?


I'd like to hear anyone's experiences with replacing their speaker spikes with the Stillpoint Ultra SS isolation/vibration control devices. I did a search and found a few related threads, but I would like to hear more. I want to try them under my Merlin VSM-M's, and yes I know Bobby will strongly disapprove...
BTW, if it matters, my speakers are on a carpeted suspended wood floor.
With S3 Bo1, the speakers come equipped with factory spikes which seem directly connected to the top adjusting screw. I'm not sure they can be removed & fitted with the adaptors. Definitely S5 can, but not sure about S3.
Friday I will receive the new Ultra 6 from Stillpoints. I will write a review this weekend!
Bo1972, Why I might ask did Stillpoints not use the Ultra 6s under their speakers at CES? They told me they were not intended for speakers.
I think you can use them for speakers as well. I don't think they are just for amps and sources. I will ask the distributor when I call him.