Streamed music sounds awful in my system and I don't know why ....

cd's spun in a transport are so much more satisfying.  Streamed content lacks body, bass, and correct timbre.

DAC is the Moon 780 driven by Moon's transport with Audience Front Row loom. Streamed source originates  from Windows Media Player platform into the same DAC 780 via CAT 6 cable hardwired into a Spectrum router.

If I wanted to upgrade the streaming experience, where would I start ?

Rest of system -Shindo Giscours pre-amp, VAC Phi 300 amp, Purist speaker cables feeding Wilson Sophia 3's.

Thanks for any guidance.







I agree with @juanmanuelfangioii, save your money. The main problem is that you're not using the MiND app to access and playback your music over the 780D. You'll probably need to set up file sharing on the PC that has your music library. Then the MiND app can access, index, and stream those files directly to the DAC.


I took a look at the 780D manual and it mentions none of this. Did you buy from a dealer? They should've helped set this up for you.


before spending any big $$, I would

  1. dump WMP
  2. download JRiver (a couple of $$)
  3. download the Moon USB HD driver
  4. connect via USB A-B
  5. start listening to music. 

If you are not happy with the result: forum members have provided quite a few inputs how to invest your money in additional gear.

BTW, the Quobuz player app will detect your DAC. So you are able to stream directly from the app.

Please report back, I'm curious how your final setup will look like.

Cheers, eagledriver


Get the PC out and put ANY streamer in.  I have a Node N130 and it’s much better sounding than my PC. I’m sure i do better, but this is where I started.

Oh, maybe I missed it, but what streaming service are you using? Good or bad, they all have a different sound.

All the best.


If his PC is that bad, he needs a serious upgrade. Either the router is somehow failing at that point and allowing some sort of back feed, which I don't see possible, or the PC itself is a piece 'o' CHIT. I am constantly amazed at how people are willing to pay tens and hundreds of thousands of $ for audio equipment and then put in some sort of junker PC into the mix. I don't even have my case sides installed and I get '0' interference from the PC. A Simple test of TURNING OFF the PC might prove if that is the source of the problem. I can stream multiple sources and I get as good of sound quality, from the PC and more convenient than even my dedicated Streamer. But it is what I work with 16 hours a day also. And convenience is not sound quality. I would start replacing Less expensive and easier-to-try components like that MINIMAL CAT6 cable. An acceptable CAT 7 or 8 Cable can' be acquired for chump change. Also if it is the cable, try replacing it with ANYTHING. Even lesser quality should show a marked difference if it is the cable causing the problem.
Then find a friend that might be willing to let you try a piece or two of their equipment in your system or to put some of your pieces in their system. Even if theirs is of a lower quality.