Responses from eagledriver_22
Vinyl Lovers-- Cartridges!!!! Do you have a daily driver? What are others doing? Do you just pony up ever year for a new $2k, $5k cartridge? Do you run lower priced, value carts? My 2 MC Ortofon Cadenza’s (Mono and Stereo) are running just fine up to 2500 hrs (around 1600$ each) My 2 MM’s to about 300... | |
The Disappearing Act In my case, it is speaker placement (aka room acoustics). And only so. Whether it is a low budget (active) pair of loudspeaker or a more expensive one: Only when I considered all aspects of the influence of a room, I could make the ’disapearing ac... | |
Question on Speaker Placement ’What are the sonic implications of this arrangement?’ Impossible to give you some valuable advise, as I am not in the room to listen and hear. And I do not see the room. What tells the room to your ears/brain when listening to music? What are t... | |
DAC connection to computer +1 @travelinjack In addition to Foobar, you have the JRiver Mediacenter as another option for locally stored music. Connection from your computer to the Mac 7900 via USB A/B. Using (for example) Quobuz as the source of music (PC app available),... | |
Budget integrated amp? @akg_ca +1 | |
??? How Much Would You Spend ??? 'smallish' room, what I would do 1. liberate myself from the spell in question 2. buy some pair of active speakers including stands (e.g. Edifier, Klipsch, Argon) 3. place them correctly 4. if necessary (and if even possible in a small room), ... | |
CD Player: Vintage or modern ones? You will have to find out, comparing the two options. Probably, your hifi dealer is able to provide the respective gear for a few days. As you own already a superb dac, you might want to go forward with a transport. As said, try to listen to your... | |
Bookshelf or stand mount help please Maybe something from Edifier's bookshelf active speaker range: Airpuls A100 (incl. sub out), hi-res audio certified, available in 3 different colours Audio Inputs: AUX, PC, USB, Optical, Bluetooth Price: 1k bulls eye For casual listening, I... | |
Why do Wav and Flac Files Sound Different? @moto_man, interesting question. I did some analog recording from vinyl to a CD using a Pioneer PDR 04. The original vinyl recording does sound different compared to the CD recording ('better', to my ears). I could imagine that some 'parts' of the... | |
Adding streaming services to a streamer via usb OP, for iOS the TEAC HR Audio Player app could be what you are looking for. | |
on the cheap 'I am looking for suggestions for an inexpensive streamer for my sister. I mean a couple hundred bucks... AND also have a built in dac. The simpler the better. Would not have to be new. It would be nice also to have the ability to have cd storage.... | |
Old phones as streaming sources @ghdprentice "The moral of the story is that everything matters." Yes, I do agree. Maybe some things more than others. I still have to buy a streamer to find out if it would offer a better audible sound quality to me compared to my actual setup... | |
Old phones as streaming sources 'A friend of mine mentioned that Aurender said somewhere in their literature that the streamer accounts for 70% of the sound quality of a system vs 30% DAC.' I have found the following excerpt (opinion) on Moon Audio's website: 'In our opinion,... | |
Upgrade My Turntable - How Much Do I Need to Spend? How big of a step up do I need to make with my turntable to take full advantage of the other components in my system? Congrats to your ’find’. I know exactly what you mean 😊 I reckon that you already got some valuable advice from other members.... | |
Old phones as streaming sources 'I have found that when I remove the sim card and shut off blue tooth and wire the phone to a dac with an appropriate USB adapter cable, my old iphone 6s makes a pretty good streamer. Just wondering what others experiance has been. It is a really... |