Streamer/CD ripper

I’m looking to upgrade my 25 year old digital front end ( Rotel CD player) to a streamer/CD ripper. How long does it take to rip a full length CD, and how does the sound quality compare playing the file on a streamer versus playing the CD on a CD player?


Personally I'd buy a separate streamer and ripper. You can always rip your CDs on your computer using DBpoweramp or maybe borrow one.

You will find that there aren't any differences between CDs played through a CD player, ripped CDs and streamed CDs. Quality of hardware notwithstanding of course.

I'd highly recommend an Aurender N200 or N20, depending on your system. These units have internal storage options too, you will need a stand alone DAC.

I had a Rotel CD player for many years, it sounded so much better then other players on the market when I got it (early 1990's) I had 5-600 CD's when it finally died and my dealer who I trusted told me not to buy another CD player but to get a Bluesound Vault and burn all my CD's. I was hesitant, but did it and loved it. It's an easy to use, all in one unit for burning  and playback, had very good software and great support, sounded as good if not better then the Rotel CD. I kept it for almost 7-8 years, although I did end up getting an outboard DAC the last 2 years I had it. I have now upgraded to a Arrender N200 (I now use a PC to burn the few CD's I buy, otherwise it's all HD digital music).

So +1 on the Vault, but you will end up upgrading, if you can go directly to an Aurender (with the ones that burn CD's) it will save you having to upgrade. With the Vault it takes about 3-5 minutes, very easy and not really a bother once you get into the rhythm. Personally I cannot tell the difference between a CD and one that's been burned (my system is up in the $45K level, just FYI), but I can tell the difference between CD and HD quality easily. The difference in useability is wonderful. 

I personally would hesitate to recommend using a PC at first, it can be frustrating and you have to buy software, burn times can be 10-12 minutes, it should have a decent CD recorder/player in it, etc. But it can save you money.

Hope my journey helps. I'm glad to chat privately for more details if you like.

a. Too long but you are free to do anything else while waiting. Why weren’t you ripping every CD for 25 years?

b. They do not sound ANY different with equivalent quality playback gear. A more important comparison would be ripped vs streamed. Don’t worry about it.


as others haver noted SQ shouldn't be an issue with decent equipment.  I would get a decent DAC streamer combo that will allow you to use the Rotel as a transport while you rip those CDs.  It is easier to include the storage as part of the streamer, but if you have the storage on a server then you can change servers at will, or stream to a second player elsewhere in the home.  I recommend the Melco N100 as a NAS/Streamer.  You would have to get an external DAC but the3re are lot of options here

I wouldn’t worry too much about ripping CDs if you subscribe to something like Qobuz as most of your CDs will likely be available there and some even in hi-res.  I rarely spin a CD anymore.  I’d recommend looking at the Innuos Zen Mk3 for a streamer/server.  Best of luck.