Sub $500 CDP

I'm one of these people, who economically have to watch their budget (big time), as I don't make the same money as I used to. In the recent months I've had to sale both my NAD C542 and my Jolida JD-100 (that one "broke my heart"). Anyway, I'm left with a 90's era Onkyo DX-C540 changer which is "alright" (btw, for those you who might be wanting to recommend a DAC, do realize the only digital output on that player is an "opitical" one). But nevertheless, I want something better, something that will get me somewhere close to what I was getting with my NAD C542 and Jolida JD-100. Now the thing is, this will probably be my last CDP purchase, so I'm not really interested in buying used. So what's new out there, that's worth a listen (and maybe a purchase) in the sub $500 catagory? I'm not an audiophile, but someone who enjoys hearing music that sounds well. I guess what I'm asking for is a player, that you might recommend to your non-audiophile friends, that wanted a good sounding player.

Showing 1 response by paulsax

Like to hear folks' thoughts on a PS2 player (cd/dvd) or a PS3 (BR/CD/DVD) with respect to this thread. THe PS2 is $100 and is reputed to be a good player and people rave about the PS3 (at $299) as a BR player. Is the music performance below standard?