Your going to need all the signal processing you can muster to begin a worthy crossover between the two unless you've considered an even more sophisticated method of manual multi band parametric variable phase, gain, and Q DSP, in which case most any box will do.
Read as many DSP setup procedures as possible for a better understanding of how using a higher crossover point and adjusting the Q can attain a smoother transition that will more closely match your main speakers presentation in the crossover region.
My experience with integrating powerful subwoofers with small speakers has been quick and easy using a sub that seems to be out of production because of the manufacturers success in another field of endeavor. This same manufacture patented servo monitoring and control and found a better solution three generations ago. (calvint, you gave up too soon)
This is in no way a substitute for proper positioning or the use of multiple subs which are delightfully explained here, elsewhere. Have fun with it.