Subwoofer Advice

I am running a pair of Martin Logan ESL 13A speakers (24-23,000 Hz). I would have thought with two 10" woofers there would be more bas (the base level dial on the rear of the speakers doesn’t seem to cut it either).

In the past I had a pair of ML Spires (29-23,000 Hz) with only one 10" woofer that had so much base, I sold my pair of ForceField 30s. Not the case with the 13A’s.

I don’t have a lot of room, maybe 16" or so square and I was wondering about a pair of SVS Micros. Do you think they would complement the 13As or do I need something bigger?

Martin Logan has come out with a few new subs lately; do you think I should keep in the ML family?

Hoping to come in under $2K, so used is fine. Thanks all!

I should also mention I’m limited on space so placement would likely have to be on the inside or the outside of the main speakers (same back wall).



@big_greg thanks for chiming in. Same question, how would I wire up the SVS Micros?

My power amp is on the same wall as my speakers, all the other components are on the side wall.

My preamp has these outlets:

1. Signal output is through two balanced XLR connectors and four unbalanced RCA connectors. The XLR pinout is identical to the input receptacles.

2. The Processor loop connectors permit the connection of an external audio device such as a surround sound processor or equalizer. Connect the output jacks to the input of the processor, and the output of the processor to the processor input jacks of the preamplifier.


It looks like your preamp has 3 sets of outputs.  The SVS Micro only has unbalanced inputs, so it would have to be from one of your RCA outputs.  Other subwoofers have balanced inputs.  You can get the Rythmik F12 with balanced inputs (it's an option) if those are the only outputs you have available.  It looks like they are back-ordered for a couple of months though.

I have 2 REL S/510 subs.  They are wireless so there is a lot of freedom on placement (just needs AC).  Putting them near the back corners of the room away from the main speakers was best for me.  Very rarely one of the wireless connection may drop and I immediately notice something is off.  Two subs are synergistic.

@rikkipuu Hmm, wireless? That's interesting.

Are they easy to set up, do they come with some kind of software, or do you do the "Crawl"?