Subwoofer Advice

I am running a pair of Martin Logan ESL 13A speakers (24-23,000 Hz). I would have thought with two 10" woofers there would be more bas (the base level dial on the rear of the speakers doesn’t seem to cut it either).

In the past I had a pair of ML Spires (29-23,000 Hz) with only one 10" woofer that had so much base, I sold my pair of ForceField 30s. Not the case with the 13A’s.

I don’t have a lot of room, maybe 16" or so square and I was wondering about a pair of SVS Micros. Do you think they would complement the 13As or do I need something bigger?

Martin Logan has come out with a few new subs lately; do you think I should keep in the ML family?

Hoping to come in under $2K, so used is fine. Thanks all!

I should also mention I’m limited on space so placement would likely have to be on the inside or the outside of the main speakers (same back wall).



@big_greg LOL, nothing worse than sitting at home, by yourself, on the computer looking at long weekend sales. $150 each off, plus another 5% for two SVS 3000 Micros and guess who bit...UGH!

Sending my cables to BJC tomorrow for cutting a re-termination, which will be a third of buying new.

Best part, as you said, 45-day trial, so now I’m all set.

If I don’t like it, I can still try mijostyn’s route, but hey, that’s gonna be $7 grand all in with DSP. I don’t think I can come up with that kind coin any time soon.

Thanks again for your help.

Please post after you get them and let us know how it goes.  Feel free to PM if you have questions.

@rikkipuu Very rarely one of the wireless connection may drop and I immediately notice something is off.

With the subs behind you how do you keep a good line of site with the transmitters for the subs?

I have the transmitters about 4 feet off the floor.  There is no line of sight with either Sub and that has not caused an issue.  I can say it has been over 6 months since I can remember having to re-synch one of the subs.  I have the older Longbow model.  There is a newer transceiver, I am sure it is better.