Subwoofer for classical music listener

This is my second post on the subject of subwoofers.
My first post wasn't specific enough.
I listen to classical music 90% of the time.
Are there any classical music listeners out there who have subwoofers?
if there are, could you let me know what you have?
i don't imagine I would need quite as powerful or expensive a sub as those who mainly listen to other types of music, but I may be wrong.

"Where would I attach the power cable?"

rv- I'm just referring to swapping the supplied stock cable your sub came with?
The cable game is contentious, so I've learned over the years to tread lightly.

Personally, I've joined the camp-power cords first. The "highs" you're referring to, 
Im assuming you've exhausted all tweaking of the subs adjustments?

Post removed 
RV, are the 25 foot cables connecting the preamp to the sub AND the sub to the power amps, or are they just being used for one of those two interconnections?  And if the latter, which one?  And how short would it be feasible for the cables to be for each of those two connections?

Best regards,
-- Al
I'm running 25' cables from preamp to sub and from sub to amp, four 25' cables in all.  I could probably get away with 15' cables. I understand from SVS that's the next size down, but I'd feel comfortable with a foot or more longer than 15.
I have Dalquist DQ 20 speakers.
In just about  all other parameters but brightness I'm very happy with the sound.  I dont want to fool anymore with settings. I suspect cables will improve things.

Btw, I mistakenly said I paid $100 for the four cables.  It was $100 for one pair: total $200.  Still pretty inexpensive.