subwoofer rattles like hell

hi, it's a mirage bps 150i. it is bipolar, has two 8" woofers. supposed to be very good. this is my first sub. i have a 90 watt amp. it is clean strong power. when i turn the gain past two the left woofer rattles like crazy. like wod smakking together. is the speaker blown or can it just not handle the power coming from the amp. is this refered to as clipping? please advise. thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by richingoth

I have 2 of these subs and they have an internal 150wRMS/600wPeak amplifier, exactly tell me how and what it is connected to and what gain are you talking about (sub or ?).
Verify the polaity of those speaker cables since the sub is seeing a full range high level speaker signals.


For best results when setting up your system, assume your normal listening position and have another person perform the following adjustments:

1) Start with the Subwoofer Level Control to its zero position. Set the Subwoofer Low Pass Filter Control to 50Hz.
IMPORTENT: Set any loudness, bass/treble, and/or equalization controls on your intregrated amp to their normal or mid-point positions.
2) Play a familiar CD, Record or Video Soundtrack that has substantial bass content.
3) Gradually turn the Subwoofer Level Control clockwise until you achieve a neutral balance between the subwoofer's deep base output and your main/satellite speakers.
4) Slowly turn the Subwoofer LP Filter Control clockwise to reach the best mid base blend with your main/satellite speakers. This will be the point at which the bass retains solid impact and fullness.
If the bass becomes "boomy" or ill defined you have gone to far and should turn the control counter-clockwise to the best balance point. If the sound is too thin (ie. male vocals are not full sounding) then turn control clockwise to the best balance point.

NOTE: The Subwoofer Level Control is design to control the balance between your sub and main/satallite speakers and should not be used as a substitute for the bass or loundness controls on your intergrated amplifier. Adjust the subwoofer's level for smoothest low frequency performance. If more bass is desired, then advance the bass and/or loundness controls on your intergrated amp.

Good luck

Room placement and interaction with reinforcing and null modes will be another story.
I just look at the owners manual. The sub has BOTH Hi-level inputs AND outputs with the inputs being the BOTTOM row. Verify your connections, just covering all bases.
Otherwise contact the manufacturer. (go to Audiongon's home page and see manufacturer's list link on the right side for contacts and website).
Good Luck.