Subwoofer with Floorstanding Speakers?

Still enjoying my Sonus Faber Olympica Nova Vs in our den where I mostly listen to jazz. However…I had a nostalgic experience tonight and streamed up some Def Leppard and cranked it LOUD.  With this kind of rock, I am missing a little of the bass I remember from my school days. Got me thinking, how many of y’all are running a subwoofer in your stereo setup with floorstanding speakers?  What do you think?  Any issues with sound distortion?  


+1 knotscott!

Two RELCarbon Limiteds with my floorstanders.  Low and subtle, supports everything and visceral enjoyment.  Turn them off and they are missed!

I just put in a REL T/9 in with my floor standing speakers. As soon as I can find another matching unit used im going to make it 2. Be hard to live without it now.

I am with a @knotscott: I keep the sub volume and crossover low.

I loaned a friend of mine an older Velodyne micro V for his modest system. At first he didnt like it. But after playing with it for a couple weeks he now confesses it would be hard to live without.

Its worth the effort and fun to try. Even if you dont keep it at least now you know. Satisfaction either way. Find a good used unit to try and then sell it if you dont like it.

It's akin to a foundation for a house.  You never see it but if you take it away.....

I think mofojo said it.  YES.

But integration/location is critical and multiple sealed subs generally get things really right. You'll never know they're there but you'll know when they aren't.  Plenty written on the subject.


I'm using 3 F12's and love them.  Mixed with Legacy Audio Signature III's, 2 channel system in a 16' x 28' x 8' room. Wish I had 14' ceilings though.

I have a pair of "overkill" subs with a pair of floorstanding speakers and was fortunate that, in my new house, my dedicated listening room is much better suited to the integration of the subs with the side speakers, compared to the last house we lived in, where that listening room added it's own bass, regardless of what the bass line in the music was, requiring me to add 10 bass traps to make the integration tolerable.

If you are successful at integrating subs to your room they add a dimension to the musical experience that you'll really enjoy, especially the "visceral" experience.