For what it's worth I've always appreciated your input on AG and think that the whole concept of AG acting as a useful resource relies on the participation of people like yourself.
I was at a mini audio club meeting over the weekend, and your name was mentioned several times during the course of discussion and always in a positive light.
I've seen some of the threads that got a little wild on AG, and even chipped in from time to time. I don't think people venting and getting a little too 'passionate' about their opinion is always a bad thing, in fact my own approach to certain situations and people in the workplace is to 'stir things up' from time to time. It's surprising how people will play a passive role and will often sit on the fence until their view is challenged, then they become all fiesty and you can't shut them up!!
Well it's part of the fun in my opinion, and conducive to the learning experience also, so it would be good to see more of you on AG, controversial opinions and all.
For what it's worth I've always appreciated your input on AG and think that the whole concept of AG acting as a useful resource relies on the participation of people like yourself.
I was at a mini audio club meeting over the weekend, and your name was mentioned several times during the course of discussion and always in a positive light.
I've seen some of the threads that got a little wild on AG, and even chipped in from time to time. I don't think people venting and getting a little too 'passionate' about their opinion is always a bad thing, in fact my own approach to certain situations and people in the workplace is to 'stir things up' from time to time. It's surprising how people will play a passive role and will often sit on the fence until their view is challenged, then they become all fiesty and you can't shut them up!!
Well it's part of the fun in my opinion, and conducive to the learning experience also, so it would be good to see more of you on AG, controversial opinions and all.