Super Dac under $20K?

Looking for some feedback on a GREAT (jaw-dropping)Dac that will take my evolving system to yet another level of performance. So far, the sound is great, but there is always room for improvement..............

Main Components:

Esoteric UX-1 upgraded to UX-1P1 by Esoteric
Esoteric G-0s Rubidium clock
Vac 300.1 Amp & Phi 2.0 Preamp
VSA VR-7SE speakers
Synergistic Tesla cabling

I don't think a D-03 is much of an upgrade, if any at all and D-01s are too expensive, plus you need 2!! Waiting to see what APL comes out with, but in the meantime, I REALLY need some ideas, especially with RMAF just around the corner. Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks very much for the responses so far.
Yes Art, I will be at RMAF. I'll probably be lurking around the big room VAC and VSA are using off and on, as I look at the various DACs at the show.

Can you say more about the new Reimyo. Do you know if it sounds like the CDP-777? What else have you compared it to?

Harve, we'll have to meet up and spend some time listening to DAC's, I am planning a similar agenda to yours for RMAF. I'll shoot you a note with my cell and we can try to connect once you get to Denver.
