Super Dac under $20K?

Looking for some feedback on a GREAT (jaw-dropping)Dac that will take my evolving system to yet another level of performance. So far, the sound is great, but there is always room for improvement..............

Main Components:

Esoteric UX-1 upgraded to UX-1P1 by Esoteric
Esoteric G-0s Rubidium clock
Vac 300.1 Amp & Phi 2.0 Preamp
VSA VR-7SE speakers
Synergistic Tesla cabling

I don't think a D-03 is much of an upgrade, if any at all and D-01s are too expensive, plus you need 2!! Waiting to see what APL comes out with, but in the meantime, I REALLY need some ideas, especially with RMAF just around the corner. Thanks in advance for your help.

Can you say more about the new Reimyo. Do you know if it sounds like the CDP-777? What else have you compared it to?

Harve, we'll have to meet up and spend some time listening to DAC's, I am planning a similar agenda to yours for RMAF. I'll shoot you a note with my cell and we can try to connect once you get to Denver.

I'm pretty sure I knew that...serious senior moment public...okay I'll try again...Harve, I'll ping you via e-mail and let's figure out how to meet up at the show once I am in Denver! :-)