Supratek ??

The preamp deal of the century?. is the supratek live up with his title?.I ask couple of the local high end dealer , but they have no idea what is it. is it worthy the wait and price. thanks for all advice
I have had mine for less than 1 month. Other than it's out-of-this-world good looks, it is one of the finest sounding preamps I have ever listened to. Friends whose hearing I respect and who have outstanding systems of their own have been floored when they listened to mine. Remember, mine isn't even broken in yet. I suggest you take the time to read through the thread.
I'v had my Chenin for about 5 or 6 months now and after a break-in period of about 50 hours it sounds great. The sound is open and transparent. Records sound fantastic. It is a noticeable improvement over my Conrad Johnson PV 12 which cost almost the same price as the Chenin when I bought the CJ 7 years ago
I've had my Syrrah for about 2 years. Probably the best audio purchase I've ever made. Have upgraded almost every other component since its purchase & it still isn't running out of steam.

There are other threads that can go into the details of the sound (you can tell I like mine), the wait was not so pleasant (5 months) and then, in my ignorance, getting surprised when the bill came for the import duties was not so fun, but at least Mick was a pleasure to keep in touch with.

Happy listening,

I took my Syrah to a local dealer, Deja Vu Audio, for a minor repair and when I went to pick it up they had hooked it up to give it a listen. They were quite impressed and when I then told them it had originally cost $2500 and was now $2900 they were floored. They were thinking it easily was over $5K and thought it wasn't quite as good it was pretty close to a $5000 linestage only preamp they had custom built. Vu has great ears and that's good enough for me. Then factor in that it looks great and is a conversation starter, what's not to like?

I'm so glad to read that you're keeping you Syrah besides sticking with vinyl for the time being. Hell, even if you dump the vinyl the linestage alone is worth owning this truly wonderful piece.
