Surge protector

This morning we had a power surge.  First one I ever experienced.  It knocked out the sub woofer components of my GoldenEar Triton one speakers. In my ignorance I had them plugged into the wall rather than a surge protector. Soooo it blew the amplifiers in the sub woofers. It’s going to be a costly proposition: $500 for the amplifiers plus God knows how much the dealer is going to charge for coming to my house. (He’s very reluctant to do it, wants me to lug the 80 lbs speakers to the store.   
Meanwhile, I’m having to listen to bass-less  speakers for the foreseeable future.
So, the moral of the story is plug everything into a surge protector.



I phoned a GoldenEar technician right after the outage. His first response was that it was blown amps.  I wish it were otherwise.


If it were me, I’d 100% ask if they can repair just the amps. 😂  The amp is going to be a lot lighter and smaller than the whole speaker.

If you feel comfortable with a screwdriver you should be able to remove the sub amp and ship that alone to them. When you do, measure the resistance of the subwoofer coil with any cheap multimeter, and talk to GE techs first. If they measure like a dead short or infinity you may have bad woofers as well.

The amps have shipped and should arrive Tuesday.
Unfortunately, I am not the least bit handy, so I am going to suffer the expense of paying a technician from the dealer.

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Thanks for the info.  That makes sense.  I'm running my T1's as rear surrounds and have them on a small APC surge protector.  My front end electronics are on a Furman Elite 20, but my front T Ref's and power amps are just into the wall.  Maybe I need to rethink things.  I'm in Vegas.  We don't get many thunder storms, but do get a few.  I've never had a destructive power surge so far, but......