Switch to Krell KCT or keep Modwright SWL.9.0SE

I am currently running the Modwright into my 300cx with cardas rca to balanced adapters. The sound is very good, by far the best I have had. Having rolled a few tubes through the Modwright to get a deeper wider soundstage. Now using Cryoed Phillips E182CC with great success.

Has anyone heard both of these preamps with a Krell CX series amp? My musical tastes run from blues and jazz to some classical and new age.

I prefer the slightest warmth and a sweet top end with layers of depth and a large soundstage. My concern would be that with the KCT the system would get too analytical or the sound too forward. The only other preamp I would be interested in would be a KRC-HR.

My associated equipment is
Modwrght Sony 999ES w/ basic signature truth mods and cryoed umbillical. No baybee filters
BPT 3.5 signature plus power conditioner
Magnum Dynalab MD 106t
Acoustic Zen Satori shotgun bi-wired speaker cable
Acoustic Zen Silver reference II-CD to pre
Acoustic Zen Matrix reference II-pre to amp
Audioquest diamond back-tuner to pre
All Signal magic power cords
JM Reynaud Offrande speakers with audio points
Vibrapod isolators and cones under pre, cdp, and tuner


Thanks for the reply. I think I will keep the modwright for a while and keep my eye out for a KCT at a good price. I am very curious to hear it with the cast connections but oh so happy with the sound I have currently.

I would strongly recommend you to try to audition a SS preamp in your setup (preferably the one you are looking for) so you can get an idea on what you will be gaining/loosing.

I am a tube fanatic, but in your case maybe the matching preamp will bring you lower noise floor, dynamics and frequency extension.
