Switch to silver for a treble boost?

I like my (budget) system, but I find it doesn't quite have the treble sparkle and 'air' I'd like.

I have the opportunity to buy a pair of 2.5 meter silver core speaker cables for less than $100 (hand soldered terminations, German surgical-grade silver multicore conductors), and was wondering what people's thoughts were on the subject: is it worth switching from my current heavy copper to silver add a bit of treble sparkle?
Knownothing, from my experience reviewing speakers ribbon tweeters are among the most detailed and open I have heard. I very much enjoy the neo-ribbon used in the Legacy Audio Focus HD. Moving down on my list I would then suggest a dual ring tweeter like the one in the Von Schweikert speakers, and finally a metal dome tweeter.

Moving from an entry level monitor to a mid level floor stander is revelatory. Paradigm speakers have always sounded to me clear and detailed at the top end, and I also have enjoyed planars, which with companies like Magneplanar and Eminent Technology offer a lot of openness in the high end at affordable prices.
Douglas, thanks for the info.

Carl, try the Caesarstone. There are two purposes I think for the platform:

1. to increase the mass of the CDP and it's shelf in general to dampen outside vibration, and

2. to absorb high frequency vibration from the player and dissipate it in the structure of the platform.

I would predict that stone would do the first thing as well as or better than wood. I would think that wood and stone would do the second thing very differently, and you would have to try both of them to see which you like better. My prediction is that stone would have a brighter sound signature than a wood platform. Good luck with your experimenting.
Silver has absolutely nothing to do with treble sparkle. Some silver is neutral sounding..some have rolled off treble, and some...only some have a high end "sparkle"
Silver speaker cables arrived... initial feeling is that they have made little difference to the upper treble, as a couple of you predicted!
My system still seems to sound as if there's a sheet over the speakers.
However, they did alter vocals in a nicely unexpected way. To my ears, voices now seem better defined and separated from the backing music, as if the singer has taken a couple of steps towards me, and this was using a few of my favorite and familiar tracks.

I might report back again after a few more days listening.
Carl, I tried a similar test to get a little more treble "air" and went with the popular silver Signal Cable.
The results were less than stellar. I found the cables to be less transparent overall. I'm VERY skeptical of mega buck cable's and thier supposed differences, but compared to some Nordost cables which I recently borrowed from a local dealer, the Signals just sounded more laid back and slightly veiled. This may be suitable for some but when looking for a bit more top end "sparkle" the silvers failed.
Good luck in your findings