switching from Tubes to SS

I am thinking of making the switch. I would welcome your opinions on a SS amp (either stereo or mono blocks)

My setup is as follows

Wadia 861 Cd Player
First Sound Pre amp
ProAc Response 5 speakers
Fim Cables
Hydra PLC

Thank you in advance
Brad Fisher
Hi Drubin, partially due to the events of 9/11 and my companies idiotic practice of hiring hundreds of six figure salary, do nothing VPs (i would love to give the name of this co. and the moron who took over but i am sure they would take away my severence. do i sound bitter?) I no longer have my system. I just shipped off my Coincident Total Eclipse speakers to a very good home. My amps were Viva and the Cary V-12. My preamp was made from scratch by my very talented friend Jcbtubes. Tube pre of course. I got lazy and sold my TT a few years ago. I have the Electrocompianet EMC-1 CDP. JC now has my Viva. Wires are FIM Gold, Coincident Total Ref. and OTA. All PCs are FIM. Mana racks with the wonderful Neaunce boards. I have been fortunate to have a very good friend who owns a highend audio shop. I have been able to borrow everything he sells or comes his way. I have a dedicated room that I will fill up again with some new goodies when times get better. Starting over will be fun. It will be a tube based system. Hopefully starting with some Tenor amps and maybe even getting back into the ol'TT. Although I am not sure if I want to get back into whips and chains. My best to you in your search.
My choice would be either Halcro DM38 (to be released soon) or if you can swing it a pair of Halcro Dm58 monos ...my taste that these are the absoultly the best SS amps.
Using Symphonic Line RG-7 (150w@8 ohm) and
like sound of having almost tubes. Considering
going back to tubes and the Grand Marquis is
one I want to listen hear. Speakers on my short
list are Kharma 1's, Alon's and Avalon's (87-90
db) units. Whats the problem or is it just the
"hobby bug" to try something else?