Scotttmac, no, I still have to have the PowerCell at the back of the shelf. This is an old Mana glass shelf rack. I really have not had any difficulty with the MIGs under it, except that the power cords pulled the PowerCell around slightly as the pcs all go to the left of the PowerCell. I still have not decided whether I prefer ambient or pin-point placement of the MIGs under the PowerCell.
Suteetat, with the probably 5' extension that comes with the Universal Cells and the 5' lead out of the MPC, you Universal Speaker Cells can be 10' from the MPC. My speakers are 10' apart, and I have no problem.
The Emitter is a great piece. All that I can really say is that given my experience, I would strongly suggest trying the MIGs in all locations. I must have 15 different isolation feet around here and have a similar experience as you. Don't jump too quickly when you hear the MIGs. They are very dramatic and do take some time to break in. I don't exactly understand why metal cups would break in, but they do.