Cheers George No sinister thoughts at all Was just perusing a thread earlier tonight where you were prevalent and I knew it was Just wanted to make sure I was not going nuts......... Well I maybe but you know what I mean
I only have one question... When did Georgelofi become Georgehifi?
I think at this stage I am ready to believe anything after an event last night. Acquired a McIntosh mvp851 very very cheap on ebay due to broken front panel although in perfect working order. Came with stock power cord about 6ft long and where it sits in rack is only about 1ft from power. So again perusing ebay saw a listing for a 1.5ft power cord by company called BLE Designs for just $32 shipped. Well it will fit better and look nice if nothing else so bought it. Arrived yesterday along with a new cd so stuck the cd in listened to a couple tracks and then powered off and changed out the power cord. Back on started playing same tracks again and I did not even get back to my sofa without knowing this was totally different sound! Talk about reverse expectation bias if there is any such thing! The whole sound was ...well just "more" for want of a better description. A very audible difference This is not my first power Have Cardas, WireWorld PS Audio and never heard any difference at all. So what makes this different? Am I going to suggest you all rush out and buy power cords from BLE Design?
Hell no!
What I think happened and is also happening on the fuse front is that there will be some components and combinations that benefit from these tweaks and some that just do not.
I truly believe that all these people on both sides cannot be wrong. Some have heard a difference and some have not. Does that mean these fuses will work for everybody in all systems, of course not, just the same as this el cheapo power cord I bought worked well for me it may well do nothing for you.
This is just one of those threads that is never ending and truly there is no right or wrong.
I came to the conclusion a VERY long time ago that in threads like this there can be no "winner" I have found a lot of very good information here and a lot of sensible posts and answers However as in most walks of life there will always be the doom and nay sayers, trolls and downright argumentative mentalities that tend to ruin the good intent of these forums for everybody. It appears there are a few persistent offenders who skip from the same type of deeply personal point of view thread to another trotting out the same old trite as if constant repetition will make believers out of everybody! And not make the mistake of equating my low post count with a low IQ count...... |
Asking for a bit of help here, this is thread on fuses right? lol Does ANYBODY know what fuse should be in the McIntosh C48 preamp? I cannot find this info in the manual or on the Mc site or by Google search. I would rather order one first before doing the double step of removing from rack opening up , replacing etc. The C46 has a nice little fuse holder on the back even labeled with type of fuse, the C48? No such luck! So if anybody knows just what fuse is in the C48 I sure would appreciate it! |
I wondered myself along the same lines but just cannot get a good solid answer Hopefully McIntosh will reply to my email asking for clarification I sent them this morning May have to start at twice the price by replacing the pair in my BAT VK600SE instead.....
Yes you can edit instantly, as i know cos I am a terrible proof However you cannot DELETE it within 30 minutes of posting
I am sorry George but there are PLENTY of events and occurences in this world that completely defy pure logic, we all know this. Why should fuses not be one of them? I have a pair on order to try in my Bat VK600SE so will soon see if there is any truth in it. Heck yes $240 is alot for a pair of fuses but I know I have spent more on changes that really have not done anything so why not try. And with a money back return all I will be out is shipping. I do not care to dig back through this thread to find this info but have you ACTUALLY tried any of them George? |
@knghifi if you really just need an escape from reality then Farcebook is as good a place as Not much reality going on there last time i checked!
George I do not doubt the efficacy of your statements whatsoever, they do make sense. HOWEVER could it not also be possible that there may be an improvement above and beyond the "stock fuse" replacement? Again I am just curious here and not wishing to be antagonistic in any way but have you actually tried them? Wolf has and heard no difference and that is also fine, at least he tried and his opinion has been formed from actual experience. mine will very soon once they show up. But I read the same lines in different clothing all the time George and while it is a free forum obviously, I really would like to know if you have tried these fuses yourself
Good Lord George PLEASE give it a rest How many times have you now made exactly the same statement? Do you seriously think constant repetition will make EVERYBODY bow under the pressure and just agree that is all there is to it? Lets face it this is a never ending debate with two opposing sides who will not be reconcilled, No offense meant at all but it is getting a little old to see the same thing every 20 posts or so...old saying..if you have nothing to say then say nothing..... |
George... Do you need a hug....
Well it looks like I will have to join the ranks of the "fusers" I get a badge with that? Unlike some critics who have not even tried them in their own system I thought I would be remiss not to at least try them, blown much more dough on less fruitfull endeavours in the past so what the heck, cant hurt. My Black fuses were delivered today and placed into the BAT VK600SE power amp and left cooking playing radio for a few hours before sitting down to a critical session. Put a well known to my ears cd in the mac and took her for a test drive. Pretty much the same result as the BLE power cord on the mac, there was just "more" of everything again, the soundstage was definitely wider and deeper, edges of plucked guitars more defined, cymbals seemed less splashy, more defined. To me well worth $240 for a pair I have zero expectation bias as I have paid plenty for power cords and interconnects in the past and heard absolutely nothing! Probably have at least $2k worth of power cords, interconnects etc that I could discern no real difference at all so to hear a marked improvement for $240 is to myself at least a darn good deal. No I have no idea how they work or why they work and tbh I really DO NOT CARE!