Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
mar14lee3 posts03-04-2017 2:11amZORRO
Thanks for your reply .
I also been placed fuses with arrow point down and the wadia as well .
sound very good so far .
I just bought another SR black for Mcintosh C50 preamp , do you have any idea with arrow point LEFT or Right  ? I currently place fuse with arrow to RIGHT !  ( from front view of C50 i flip 180 degree from right to left , bottom of C50 face up then I set fuse into it with arrow to RIGHT , dont know and not sure it is right or wrong !  ) Best regards !

*** Up to date after test the Synergistic SR Black fuse in my Mcintosh C50 preamp .... the correct direction is arrow to the LEFT *** . I had 4 SR black fuses in my system .... sound fantastic !!!! Hope this posted a hint to some one has the same preamp. Cheers . 
mar14lee3 posts03-04-2017 2:11amZORRO
Thanks for your reply .
I also been placed fuses with arrow point down and the wadia as well .
sound very good so far .
I just bought another SR black for Mcintosh C50 preamp , do you have any idea with arrow point LEFT or Right ? I currently place fuse with arrow to RIGHT ! ( from front view of C50 i flip 180 degree from right to left , bottom of C50 face up then I set fuse into it with arrow to RIGHT , dont know and not sure it is right or wrong ! ) Best regards !

*** Up to date after test the Synergistic SR Black fuse in my Mcintosh C50 preamp .... the correct direction is arrow to the LEFT *** . I had 4 SR black fuses in my system .... sound fantastic !!!! Hope this posted a hint to some one has the same preamp. Cheers .

I suppose the take-away here is that the fuse is directional and that it should be tried both directions to see which way sounds best.


I think at this stage I am ready to believe anything after an event last night.
Acquired a McIntosh mvp851 very very cheap on ebay due to broken front panel although in perfect working order. Came with stock power cord about 6ft long and where it sits in rack is only about 1ft from power. So again perusing ebay saw a listing for a 1.5ft power cord by company called BLE Designs for just $32 shipped. Well it will fit better and look nice if nothing else so bought it. Arrived yesterday along with a new cd so stuck the cd in listened to a couple tracks and then powered off and changed out the power cord. Back on started playing same tracks again and I did not even get back to my sofa without knowing this was totally different sound!
Talk about reverse expectation bias if there is any such thing!
The whole sound was ...well just "more" for want of a better description.
A very audible difference
This is not my first power Have Cardas, WireWorld PS Audio and never heard any difference at all.
So what makes this different?
Am I going to suggest you all rush out and buy power cords from BLE Design?

Hell no!

What I think happened and is also happening on the fuse front is that there will be some components and combinations that benefit from these tweaks and some that just do not.

I truly believe that all these people on both sides cannot be wrong. Some have heard a difference and some have not.
Does that mean these fuses will work for everybody in all systems, of course not, just the same as this el cheapo power cord I bought worked well for me it may well do nothing for you.

This is just one of those threads that is never ending and truly there is no right or wrong.

Something I find interesting about this thread is that I can't recall a single poster being an all-Synergistic, all-the-time fan boy. A few notables here use Synergistic power cords (and I have one in my system for my REL sub), but it seems that most go their own way when it comes to interconnect, speaker and other cabling and tweaks in their systems. In my view that increases the credibility of the many positive experiences with the Black fuses posted here.
My systems as pair of Mcintosh MC 501 mono , Mcintosh C50 preamp , Wadia 781i cd/sacd player , 1 pair Nordost Valhalla 1 XLR ( connected from CD to Preamp ) , 1 pair of Transparent Reference XL /  XLR ( from  Preamp to MC 501 ) , pair of Purist Corvus Luminist 9 Foot long speaker cables , 4 Cardas Golden Power Cords ( 2 for mc 501 , 1 for C50 and 1 for power strip ) and 1 Cardas Clear Beyond for Wadia , Oyaide R1 outlet and Oyaide power strip , to drive pair of B&W 803 D ..... but still drive me crazy with very weak of BASS and made me so angry ! I been tried with this set up took me almost 3 years for many many times to exchanged all of cables .... The final work i just replaced 4 stock fuses with Synergistic SR Black and they are pair very well to my systems , now i got plenty strong clean, tight bass , excellent soundstage , clarity , punchy , i am happy and love it now , i trusted SR fuses and they made things better ! cheers !!!