I appreciate that you have tried the RED fuse and hopefully have given it 75 to 100 hrs. to settle in. After this time has passed and if you do not think the sonic improvement is worth a $100.00 please send it back to Oregonpappa.
This is the beauty of the Synergistic Research Black and RED fuses. You get a long evaluation period and if you do not find the change worth the money send them back. Returning a non satisfying purchase is liberating.
I do think Geoff should order some Synergistic Black fuses and compare this latest technology to the older generation audio fuses and the use of no fuse at all. He is missing out on some new exciting technology.
Thank you for the kind words. I have invested a lot of time evaluating the stock, SR-20, RED and now Black fuses in multiple components and systems. The Black fuses certainly have new technology in place that causes a greater positive change than the previous generations of fuses.
Having all the fuses replaced with Black fuses gives an improvement that is greater than a linear improvement.
To me the real important lesions of this thread are:
1. Try a device in your system that allows you to evaluate it for a significant amount of time and allows you to send it back with no "justification" necessary.
2. Become comfortable with critical listening.
3. Become comfortable sending demo's back that do not meet expectations.
4. Evaluate possible system improvements in some sort of systemic approach.
5. Have fun.
6. Allow others to have different opinions.
7. Be respectful of other posters.
I hope all will take time to enjoy some music this week that not just makes the foot tap but also enriches the soul.
David Pritchard