Oregonpapa, continuing to promote these things with silly nonsense is like continuing to try to ride a dead horse…read my second line…or not, but I’ll try to word things more carefully in the future so you can get the drift. Also, asking how an aggressively marketed and hyped relatively expensive tweak works is a pretty simple and utterly appropriate question, especially amid claims that the tweak does a lot to improve the sound of your rig. It only seems like a weird question when there apparently isn’t an answer available from people who use them, or the companies that sell useless faux technology. If a fuse can have the power to make a system sound "out of phase," there’s something mysteriously wrong with that fuse (the nano electron polishers are on a lunch break maybe?) as I doubt anybody has had that happen with standard issue fuses. I know what "out of phase" sounds like as I rig mics professionally, wire up things, etc., but to have a system "seem" out of phase from a fuse seems incredible. I realize all faith based illogical things have that "incredible" element so it’s not surprising to see this as part of the Magic Fuser’s world, neither is the act by True Believers of responding to a simple question by both defending nonsensical statements and substituting ridicule for answers when questioned.