Systems over $100k

Which of you has a $100k+ system...? Do you plan to upgrade?

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Mine is around $150K… I started with a Marantz 1040 integrated amp in 1972. I have been learning and upgrading ever since to the system I have now. All of my components are pretty new. I have finished tweaking interconnects and power cords. I have one more power cord to go. I’ve got an upgraded arm for my Linn turntable on the way. I’ll add podiums for my speakers.


Since I have all Audio Research Reference gear and could not be happier I will probably just keep them contemporary.

I'm setting in my 37 year old room that I built, lock, stock and barrel for 6500.00 and the car port. The system is 55 years old with 45 year old speakers. I paid 1300.00 for The MX110z, MC225, RS4b, Sony ES5400, Russco TT and my cables.

I paid more in PG&E last year. :-) Cable was 19.00 a month for the FM side of the MX110z back then.. Stream that.. Still use the same gear as I type.. 

Throw it in the hole and load me in after.. Mcintosh gear has to be in heaven. :-)
