Table,cartridge,phono...where to put most of my money?

  Let me start by saying im a digital guy,to be specific a CD/SACD guy.Years ago I ventured back into vinyl only to be totally disappointed in my efforts.I wanted to hear the records I had been hauling around the country every time i relocated.I  bought a Linn LP12 and had  all the upgrades done.I never could get it sounding good,even paid to have it setup by a so called expert...Fast forward ,I tried again maybe 6 years ago.Bought a VPI super scout with a couple different phono stages(dont recall what they were)..About the same outcome,was ok but for all the fuss,time,cost I felt another unsuccessful attempt..A few weeks ago i bought at an auction a direct drive Pioneer table from the 70s for a couple hundred.It was paired with a decent cartridge.I bought a used phone amp off ebay and off and rolling i went.Its no where near my digital side across the board and i didnt expect it to be but its got me wanting more....Long story short,I have a budget of 5k/6k for everything..table,cartridge and phone amp..Yes i understand everything is important but where would you put the bulk of the budget...and what would you buy with the limited info given,,Thanks


The only advice you received that made any sense to your post was the Technics 1200G.  $3k for a used one is the right money, find a Herron MC phono stage (early model)1500ish and that leaves you $1500 for a cartridge and with that find a Audio Technica Art 9 and your done.  So around $5500 and you can enjoy your LP’s. I have owned the above items so can speak on it, my current vinyl setup up is a Maxxed out STS Thorens 124 with Jelco 850L, Ortofon TA110 tonearms, Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp.  

Koetsu Urishi Black, Haniwa HTCR-01 cartridges. 

Good Luck and max out your budget and there is a noticeable difference as you move up the food chain in vinyl.

What kind of distortion drives you buggy?

For some, it's frequency wow caused by off-centre records. For me, it's high frequency tizz - so I am vinyl only. Just something to consider.

I think learning more about the sonics of the OP current setup vs the two prior fails ( LP-12 / VPI ) might be more helpful…. just what is driving enjoyment currently ?

I’m not seeing there is a immediate need for a Vinyl Front End to be purchased, with what looks to be a history of experiences that were not wanting to be maintained. It seems there is a further amount of experiences that can be gathered to help with homing in on the sonic that becomes attractive and wanting to be experienced in the home system.

Time spent seeking out opportunities to experience Vinyl Replays, either from a commercial entity, forum request or HiFi Club can put in ones path a range of opportunities.

I have been introduced to Vinyl Set Up’s on home systems costing between £1000 - £20000 that have been able to create a very good impression, through to extremely attractive. It is not necessarily the most expensive that delivers, it is the experiences obtained by the user and how they have built a system to suit their unique tastes that is the Cornerstone of experience being encountered.

@OP - what is the digital front end in the system that the analogue setup will be compared to?