TAD CR-1 ?

Please tell me your opinion if you've heard them. Have you owned them and moved on? Do you have them now? What amp/preamp are you using? What speaker are you considering to replace them?
I was also attracted to the CR-1's and have wondered how they stack up to something like the Magico Q3. I hear the Magicos are "more forgiving" but
I hear people sat a lot of things. ;-). Wish I knew someone with a pair in the St. Louis area.

I went to demo a pair of Wilson Alexia a couple of months ago. I really liked them. The dealer also happened to have Q3's there next to the Alexia. My friend and I asked if we could hear them as well. Let me tell you, and I don't know what it was, but the Q3 sounded like there was a blanket thrown over them. We were really surprised because I thought they'd be bright, if anything. Needless to say I ruled out the Q3, the Alexia are however on top of my list along with a few others. I now realize that system pairing (amp and preamp) are of paramount importance when choosing speakers. I know of some Sophia and Sasha setups that are supposed to sound amazing (I forget what electronics are being used). When I hear them, I will know. Magico S1 and S5 were also recommended to me.

One thing I need to say, at no time do I find my TADs tweeter fatiguing. My system can be on 10-12 hours a day and I never want to turn it off. It's that good.

You are welcome. Let us know what you decide, or if you have any other questions.
Joe, thanks for the anecdote. It's nice to know what regular listeners have to say as opposed to only reading "the reviews." I have been told that the Magico's work best with big, overbuilt solid state amps. Based upon what you're saying tubes might exacerbate the color. I'm a Thiel CS3.7 man and I might not be able to be satisfied with a speaker with such a distinct signature. That's why the TAD's sound attractive to me.