Tale of the preamps

I ahave recently been bitten by desire to add greater detail to my system. I believe the musicality offered via Jadis JP80MC pre may be limiting frequency extremes and inner detail. I own CAT amps and Eidelon...I believe neither of these components are lacking in bottom extension nor well defined presentation. I have owned the Jadis for 5 years or so, with no desire to surrender the music for hi-fi. But....a friends system, Eidelons/Atmasphere MA1s/Wadia exposed an inner detail which gave birth to a new itch. The CAT ultimate has been strongly suggested, but some comments allude to a cerebral rather than visceral interpretation. Any suggestions, especially from those who may have heard the Jadis are appreciated. The world of give and take.
Siddh: I've been tempted by the transparency muse from time to time since I got my JP80 about 9 years ago, but I've never changed after listening to other preamps of the like you're mentioning, even though they do certain things better. I do think the JP80, in its original form (I don't know about the current versions, which use different capacitors for the power supplies), does slightly roll off those frequency extremes and may slightly blunt the leading edge of transients. I think it does have ultimate transparency, but you have to listen more closely to hear it, as it probably does have a higher noise floor than some others in its class. Partially as a result of these shortcomings, I had mine modified by Andy Bouwman of Vintage Tube Services a few years back in a manner that kept its sonic character intact, made it even more grainless and natural but also improved the frequency extension, particularly in the bass (my system goes down to about 18hz). Even without the mods, though, I probably would not change preamps, this one just sounds so natural and right that I can live with its faults, particularly since the bulk of my listening is classical. I would say that the CAT is an excellent piece, and may work very well with those amps (how much did you have to brace your floor for those beauties?) and speakers, but you should try to get one for an extended audition, then switch back to the Jadis and see how much you miss what it does right. My decision has always wound up to give up a little ultimate resolution and fidelity to the source I'm listening to for the naturalness and musicality of the Jadis and its fidelity to the original musical event. I'm curious to see how you come out on this one; you really can't lose at the levels you're considering.
HI Rcprince,

Thanks for input. I have read the opinions of others with similar experience when the Jadis is modified. When I spoke to Andy he expressed his admiration with this piece, but added the changes were neccessary to attain a clearer, less colored picture. Apparently, he no longer involves himself in such endeavors. Have you knowledge of anyone who does? How expensive was the modification, and are you at all concerned with Jadis policy regarding warranty? Obviously, at 9 years not much is left on warranty, but Northstar seems very accomodating. Lastly, how great an improvement have you realized with the mods? Have you had any long running experience with the Ultimate? Rumor has it, CAT manufactured the Ultimate to emulate the musicality of the JP80 without sacrificing detail or frequency extension.

Thanks again for your shared experience,

Siddh, I would be very careful in changing a chain that has kept me happy for a long time. As I remember the JP80, it plays music "beautifully". IMO, the CATs --pre/power combo-- play music "handsomely, with gusto"; with one I forgot shortcomings and was drawn to the music, with the latter I was happy to notice the strengths. (not sure I'm making sense here...)

If you switch to Ultimate's line you will have more analysis. The Eidolons are very analytical; but they're also musical. I think you're now enjoying the musical Eidolons. My opinion: make sure it stays that way, with added analysis, if you change your pre...

Good luck!