Kensington waaayyyy better than Cremona M. remember that SF is not made by franco serblin anymore. Newer generation SF sound dry and harsh.
Tannoy Kensington Se vs. Sonus Faber Cremona M
Just wondering who has had the opportunity to compare these two speakers! My room is about 17 x 13 but is open on the back ( behind my listening area )through a halfwall to a much larger area. I have no local dealers to audition either speaker. I listen primarily to jazz, love female vocals, but do on occasion definately like to crank it up to some fairly high SPL's with a little R&Roll. Speakers would be on the long wall, and amp. pairing would be a Musical Fidelity Tri Vista 300. I must confess to liking speakers whose character is warm over analytical! Any help would be appreciated>
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