Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi Jafant, The Krell came home friday december the 5th, 2014, with up-graded power supplies and capacitors, the amp runs great!, finally, after 2 years and 8 month's, it's done!, Mr Krell is like a brand new amp in every way, the over heating problem on the left side is completly resolved, both sides run cooler and equal to each other, yippee!, Hurray!, feel free to e-mail me, a joy to talk to you Jafant.

Kyle J. says :

I purchased the Omega Gold speaker cable from my local dealer a few years ago. Since that time, I have taken the time to hear many of the high-end cables within this industry. I have attended numerous dealer presentations and trade shows showing the latest Nordost, Cardas, Kubala Sosna, Transparent and so on. Hands down, the TARA Labs Omega Gold is the best speaker cable I've ever heard.

Marshall Nack / Positive Feedback says :

With the Tara Labs Omega Gold,You hear deeper into the performance and each note proceeded after the previous fully developed note in an unrestrained flow, a quality that's usually the province of fine tube gear. Only now it was emanating from my mbl Noble Line separates. And this timbral beauty was delivered along with newly fearsome dynamics. Dynamic peaks expanded ‘til they had no more space to fill. The room's dimensions became the limitation.
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Jafant, I enjoyed the phone call about the Krell, and the Tara labs Evolution Zero and Omega Evolution review, any time you want to call, feel free my friend, cheers to you.