Hi redhouse, very nice system you have, I use to own the Ayon cd2s player myself, I'm in some transition with my system, I'm continuing modifying my krell 700cx amplifier, I have upgraded transistors and capacitors, tweaked power supply, now, getting ready to sort out some synergistic black fuses for the amplifier, 4 expensive fuses, the performance return will be many times the $130.00 a piece for the fuses, these go excellent with taralab's cable's, I already have furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's, but I'm going to upgrade to ncf rhodium outlet's, I will be buying those from Steven, I hope he can review the differences of sound between the two models of furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's before I pull the trigger on them, the outlet's I have sound very good, I trust Steven's impressions of what he may say, also, likely going to upgrademy digital and speaker's, cheers