Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
I personally talked to Mathew Bond, The man, quote- In no way is the madison cable compairable to the new Tara labs offerings that I Designed!, and in my personal opinion, not as good as the previous top model Tara cables, Mathew did a cable team with madison as a revenue to make MONEY, never intended to be better than the company he started, and mathew owns the biggest percent of ownership of Tara labs, case closed.
@audiolabyrinth. That came out of nowhere. Did somebody as you something about that. Why would someone do another cable company after they already are involved in tara labs. I'm just interested. It would be hard not to share what was being used at the first company. What do you think.
calvinj, I likly will not get a welcomed response on the high-fidelity thread about my last post, I enjoy your ethusiasm, But I believe you should come on over to the Tara labs, Once you have listened to the New tara labs Evolution Zero interconnect and Evolution Omega speaker cables in your system, It WILL be a significant Game changer you will never forget the rest of your life, likly to re-morgage your home to get the cables A.S.A.P.
oh, if you are asking about my post about madison cables?, My bad, my computer went to a page of this thread that I believed was the last post, It was not!, that's old news, forgive me.