Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?
I can't provide in-depth analysis of the intricacies of economic policies. I can report on what I have witnessed over the last couple of decades. 1 party, the self-proclaimed deficit Hawk fiscal responsibility party, warns us of the dangers of tax-and-spend policy.
But when they regain power, suddenly the deficit doesn't matter and they Implement tax cuts that funnel this lost government revenues to the most wealthy.
Meanwhile I'm reminded of the old saying, you can't teach Old Dogs new tricks. One man has proven this wrong, he seems to have taught an entire political party to roll over. This one man seems to be the only one who thinks that tariffs will achieve a desired effect, while the vast majority of his own party disagree but are unwilling to go against him.
That being said, should I get a new Rogue Sphinx V2 or a used Bel Canto?
@rodman99999 LOL. I hear you and nothing wrong at all with non US parts or manufacture. That’s kindof the point isn’t it. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with utilizing the best part for the job. That kind of competition forces everything to a higher level of quality and performance. 

My system is a United Nations of gear and they play nicely with one another. Maybe audio systems can be a shining example to world leaders of how to get along. Have a great day.
So many seem to just want to blame their problems or shortcoming s on others. It’s human nature I suppose. Whatever happened to people not blaming others, taking responsibility, solving their own problems and making it on their own? I guess that demographic is on the decline in the US these days. Probably due to the inflated standard of living many but far from all have achieved over the years. We all better learn to look out for rather than antagonizing each other sooner rather than later. Also to look out for our planet together as well may as well mention. Unfortunately we seem to be moving entirely in the wrong direction as more and more people fall by the wayside, unable to keep up on their own. At least many have cell phones and headphones capable of making pretty good sounding music these days.

Please elaborate. Who are the “so many” and who is “others”?