Yeah, 15 tweeters (3 super tweeters?), four (4) 3" "harmonic overtone" drivers, and two (2) 8" bass driver per cab. At least that’s my understanding.
An interesting thing is, within a few miles of me (80 miles at the extreme distance) there will be two sets of mini-Ulfs, one pair of Ulfs and a pair of DIs.
I imagine from there we will glean a rather keen study of what’s what.
Really, I don’t know what to expect.
On one hand there is the fear that there will be a big compromise in sound from the Ulfs to the mini-Ulfs. After all, the minis are less expensive, and it would be a big cheat for the Ulf owners to have paid $12k while the mini-Ulf owners paid $7.5k. Yet, on the other hand, there have been two Electron owners that I know of who say that the Electrons sound just like the DIs, only they can fit in smaller places. They are in full DI bloom within a smaller area.
That is seldom the case when going from the larger version of one speaker to a smaller version. The only example I can think of where a speaker manufacturer pulled that off was the Horning Eufrodite compared to the smaller Aristotles, i.e. half of the size, for a half of the room size without a loss in SQ. There are perhaps some full range single drivers that can do the same, but that’s a whole other barrel of monkeys.
So, what is one getting with the mini-Ulfs? I haven’t the foggiest. Only a rough idea. Will it be a $4200 difference in SQ compared to the DIs? A 30% increase? A 20% increase? 5%? I know in this crazy audiophile world people have paid a lot more than $4200 for a 1 or 2% increase. Increments on this level don’t come cheap.
I suppose I will find out, though.