As @klh007 mentioned in his post, I do own the Exogal Comet-Plus and Ion. It’s been out of system for some time now and I should bring it back in to get another read on it, especially with all of the other improvements upstream and downstream from this combination.
I recently, for a second time, seriously considered the TDAI 2170 due to it’s flexibility but I ended up deciding that a Pre/Pro was a better choice since I really wanted to build a full on HT system. I then considered the Lyngdorf MP-50 as an option but I wasn’t ready to spend that kind of money on a newly released product that was still buggy, at the time. Then the DIs came along and I abandoned HT to concentrate on 2Ch.
I had originally considered the TDAI 2170 after it was released. It is an extremely capable product and really deserves more press and exposure in the US market.
My reason for bringing Exogal up, a few posts ago, is because of their similarities: their "Very CLEAN" sound; a different and hard to explain (to my ears) "Black" / "no noise" background; and a lack of harshness. My point being that if one is considering Lyngdorf’s TDAI they should also be open to the Exogal Comet Plus - Ion combo.
There are a number of reviews on the Exogal Comet Plus, fewer on the Comet - Ion combo.
I’d start with Doug Schroeder’s reviews over at Dagogo since he continues to use Exogal in his system and for his reviews since.
For me, the TDAI is the better looking component and it offers more flexibility, albeit at a slightly higher street price.
Based on posts here at Audiogon, the Comet - Ion responds to cabling and isolation. Reach out to those posting in those threads for more information.