@waltersalas - Well, there's nothing really to "set straight" per se. You're correct, there's two side to every story, and I certainly don't want to belabor the issue. I simply wanted to send a warning, because, to be frank, there are other people out there with bones to pick about Tekton, only they don't do it here (as much). Thank you for the best wishes.
Anyway, there wasn't a protracted shipping issue between me and Tekton. The shipping situation only served to give me further pause.
Let's see...It's like this:
Say, you ran a speaker company where you got a super discount on shipping for $150 per pair of speakers, hypothetically. I don't know what FedEx charges Tekton, but this is just an example.
So, you propose to a customer that you can help them with shipping on a pair of speakers that you have returning to them. Now do you tell the customer, "Okay, I can help you with shipping, at $150, using our account to send them back to us, but if you chose to send the second pair back, you are responsible for your own shipping?"
Or, do you tell the customer, "Okay, I can help you send with shipping, using our account, and based on previous shipping quotes from customers, at $600, I can save you roughly $300, making your shipping to us about $300. But, if you choose to send the second pair back, you are responsible for your own shipping?"
I don't know about anybody else, but I would do the former, having successfully run a business of my own. I would not pocket the balance of $150 under the guise of doing the customer a great favor.
In other words, you go through shipping with Tekton, yes, you might get a break from what it would cost you on your own, but Tekton knows that they can also make a little scratch by depositing the balance.
I didn't like that feeling, as I asked Tekton if $300 is what they pay FedEx to ship their speakers. The answer was no. Of course it was no.
As to us common fare, shipping speakers without "help," I paid $500 to ship some speakers to a friend, 215lbs a piece speakers, in crates, via FedEx freight, once. Maybe I'm daydreaming, or seriously out of touch, but that's the way it went down. Indeed, if the DIs had been a one-way journey, it was $129 to ship them from Texas to Utah, by weight and dimensions, insured w/ signature. This was through a dealer friend of mine.
But no, there wasn't a long haggling process over shipping. I ordered the color with them, they told me it would be two weeks, I agreed to pay for the upgraded Encores, I shipped my speakers out, and then Tekton refused to take them, knowing good and well by email, and by FedEx alert, that they were on their way.
All of the stuff that happened in the middle, was just a Tekton throwing a fit, based on assumptions, and backed by nothing, save for the falsity of their own words.