@aniwolfe - that is also a good moral! The thing is, I'm looking right now at the little slips of paper that Tekton kept my record on, and it reads "trading later when mini ulfbehrts are ready" dated 09/18/17.
In fact, on one of the slips of paper it reads my room dimensions @ 13x12x8. I remember distinctly asking Tekton on at least a couple of occasions if they are sure that the DIs would be suited for my room size. I was assured that yes, they would fit my room just fine. I mean, my room size had to be a consideration for Tekton, otherwise why write my room dimensions down? Additionally, I wrote my room dimensions down in our emails.
So, why think that the Encores would work better in my room? Well, $4,101 upgrade of additional speaker....as well as trust, made me think that the Encores would work in my room. Indeed, Tekton told me that the Encores would work in my room, even after I expressed concerns that the DIs did not. Yeah, I was trusting. Is that my bad, that I should have never trusted the word of the manufacturer? Maybe. Yet, with a smaller outfit like Tekton, one would expect honesty about my room size, as well as any other topic. Why didn't Tekton try to sell me on the Electrons?
I'll tell you: because they had more money to make by selling me the DIs. This is all about the sale - throwing the dart at the dart board and hoping it sticks.
I simply don't think that Tekton is honest, and then they became downright nasty when I called them to task on it. In fact, they became downright nasty and insulting. Take the Encores, don't open the boxes, and sell them on Audigon, indeed!
I've never, in all of my years as an audiophile, ran across a circumstance like this. Then again, I've never returned anything I've purchased for an upgrade, either.
Yeah, my bad for being so trusting. *shrug*
In fact, on one of the slips of paper it reads my room dimensions @ 13x12x8. I remember distinctly asking Tekton on at least a couple of occasions if they are sure that the DIs would be suited for my room size. I was assured that yes, they would fit my room just fine. I mean, my room size had to be a consideration for Tekton, otherwise why write my room dimensions down? Additionally, I wrote my room dimensions down in our emails.
So, why think that the Encores would work better in my room? Well, $4,101 upgrade of additional speaker....as well as trust, made me think that the Encores would work in my room. Indeed, Tekton told me that the Encores would work in my room, even after I expressed concerns that the DIs did not. Yeah, I was trusting. Is that my bad, that I should have never trusted the word of the manufacturer? Maybe. Yet, with a smaller outfit like Tekton, one would expect honesty about my room size, as well as any other topic. Why didn't Tekton try to sell me on the Electrons?
I'll tell you: because they had more money to make by selling me the DIs. This is all about the sale - throwing the dart at the dart board and hoping it sticks.
I simply don't think that Tekton is honest, and then they became downright nasty when I called them to task on it. In fact, they became downright nasty and insulting. Take the Encores, don't open the boxes, and sell them on Audigon, indeed!
I've never, in all of my years as an audiophile, ran across a circumstance like this. Then again, I've never returned anything I've purchased for an upgrade, either.
Yeah, my bad for being so trusting. *shrug*