I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
It wasn't till it was obvious it was going very bad for the owner of this company that site moderators jumped in and deleted the entire post.

For sure.  In a panic the Bat Signal was activated, nukes were deployed, and the thread was vaporized.  Mission accomplished?


To be honest, a lot of negativity around Tekton has little to do with the product itself. A lot of members here are just frustrated with Tekton being shoved down their throats by a couple of posters ALL the time, day in and day out. It was one thing if it was done tactfully, but more often than not the shills have a very condescending tone. I think the owner would do well to talk to the shills and ask them to calm down, instead of threatening members with legal action. This just makes a bad situation worse.

Also, maybe cool down the ’better than $30K’ rhetoric? Everyone knows that’s simply not true. Why tarnish your reputation by making such outlandish claims?

to the OP, if you are running with David, you have an excellent audio friend…one not prone to hyperbole, self aggrandizement and ego. He strikes me as a true sojourner on the quest for better sound.

On clipping, you might be shocked that a simple hand clap on a Nora Jones cut can clip a 150 wpc amp w 87 db speakers. Hopefully you can get your speakers up and running again soon.
Carlsbad - you seem reasonable. Are you in SoCal ? in the fall, if Delta cooperates, i plan on a small listening get together in….. Carlsbad.
@arafiq exactly and perfectly said, yet the other now deleted thread reveals the owners attitude, state of mind and political bent. He himself feeds the polarizing fire.