Teres 265 or 320 vs. Sota Cosmos

I am looking at picking up a new Turntable. As of right now I'm guessing either would be equipped with a Triplaner arm and the ZYX Airy 2.

BUT anyway has anyone had the chance to do a direct comparison between these models? What differences did you notice, and how would you compare them?

Any insight would be appreciated!

I also owned the SOTA for many years. It was a very good table and was a reliable and musically satisfying performer. I purchase it from Lyric Hi Fi in NYC in the eighties and sold it in 1998.
The Oracle Delphi MKV with the Granite Plinth (about 65 lbs compared to 30 lbs for the Acrylic plinth) and Turbo power supply is a very underrated performer. The Oracle is quieter mechanically and more resolving than the SOTA. Improved speed stability on the Oracle was especially noticeable on piano recordings compared to the SOTA. Bass performance is also markedly improved with the Granite plinth.

I can't say anything about a SOTA, but we recently upgraded from our Teres 265 to a 320. The performance improvement was far larger than the cost difference. This was one of the most dramatic upgrades we've done. If you decide in favor of Teres I strongly recommend the 320 over the 265 if your budget allows.

Obviously you'll have no problems mounting a TriPlanar (or just about any other arm) on a Teres.
Nrchy: For many years the Sota/SME V and Sota/ ET, combinations were a favorites ones.

The Cosmos/SME V/Sumiko Celebration is an analog rig very hard to beat, recomended.

Regards and enjoy the music.
If I were to go with the SME V how much would I be loosing to the TriPlaner? For purely cost issues I'm connsidering the less expensive SME V over the TriPlaner. I would rather go with the later, but it just might not be possible! Any help?