Thanks,I hope Chris resolves the issue.I am trying to build a DIY table,and need a Teres acrylic platter.If anybody has one for sale plase let me know. Regards George
I've been making platters and spindle bearings for my own use for a number of years now. The platter is a 1.5" thick acrylic with 10 pockets of lead shot around the outside edge of the platter. The spindle bearing is a stainless steel center shaft set in a UHMW sleeve in a brass houseing. The stainless steel shaft sets on a UHMW button, on a stainless steel ball bearing that set on more UHMW. There is no metal on metal contact.
All the work is done in my shop using a CNC flat bed router and a precision lathe. I've been refining the design over the last couple of years and I've prety much got all the bugs worked out of it. I should have a finished unit to photograph in a couple of weeks. If you are interested I could send shop drawings and photos. .
George, I think Teres is moving to composite platters. Perhaps this would be even better than the acrylic. I think there are network issues as several sites have been unavailable lately, and the Teres site is not reachable for me at the moment. Maybe try sending Chris an email through A'gon?
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