About the craziest thread I've ever heard
@hiend2 ,
You want crazy, like room with the rubber wallpaper crazy, go over to the 'Best audio prank ideas' thread.
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..
Owner looking to make them sound better.
@hiend2 , You want crazy, like room with the rubber wallpaper crazy, go over to the 'Best audio prank ideas' thread. |
I find it interesting that people love to hatchet others that they don't know on the 'net. @livinon2wheels I've known Danny for many, many years. He and I don't agree on everything and that is OK. He is extremely well respected in the industry, customers and reviewers because his designs bring the goods. Trashing a person and gear that you don't know is the best way to get the rep of being a troll here. His speaker upgrade service is ~ 5% of his business and he does not charge for the design work. He makes his $$$ on parts used to build his design. There are reasons that "The GR Research" rooms at audio shows were consistently judged among the best in SQ at those exhibitions. I was at that RMAF he referenced in his video concerning the Wilson Audio room. The Wilson Alexandria X2 ($158,00.00) driven by VTL Siegfried monoblocks ($65,000.00) were a huge disappointment. Too loud, too harsh in a room with zero treatment. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with results: https://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=99738.msg1004792#msg1004792
Send the speakers in? For what possible reason? Nobody listens to them anyway. Wilson is the world's leading high end speaker company. In the final analysis their designs are tuned by critical listeners with extensive live music experience. Dave Wilson in this case. The Watt/Puppy, recently reintroduced, remains the largest selling high end speaker of all time. People don't spend that kind of money on badly designed speakers. |
Tekton speakers are trashed by some here and I guess they would prefer to spend $27,900 on a Wilson that does not measure as well as it should. The bottom line- some fellow goners here like to hear themselves talk when everything they say is utter nonsense. They would have us think THEY are the speaker designers... not the makers of Wilson, Tekton or GR Research. |