The Absolute Sound "review" of USB cable reads suspiciously like a press releaste

I mean c'mon—can't you even throw in a few according-to-the-manufacturer's?
Isn’t slew rate a function of the amplifier? Not the conductor. The advantage of silver is that the resistance is lower. Maybe someone should come up with copper-plated silver wire. 😬
The Final Touch Audio Callisto USB cable that @jbrrp1 mentioned that gave him excellent results is not purified copper, with gold and silver literally hammered (smithed) into it, or so it states on their website.

Looks like this jungle of cables are getting denser. 😄

All the best,
Isn’t slew rate a function of the amplifier? Not the conductor. The advantage of silver is that the resistance is lower. Maybe someone should come up with copper-plated silver wire.

Yes, but the conductor does play a role.  All cables act like some sort of low pass filter.  If you model out a simple resister and a cap as a low pass filter, the higher the resistance will result in more low pass filtering.  As you said silver does have lower resistance so the rise time won't be degraded as much as copper.  In some cases having a higher rise time improves jitter but high rise time will also result in higher EMI.  That's why most high speed data rate will have only enough rise time to get away with.  It's a balanced act so it depends what you want to achieve,  

Also as I mentioned, there is no one single factor.  It depends on the situation.
I would buy a very reasonably priced USB cable from Monoprice or other legitimate dealer.  Makes no sense to pay a premium for Nordhost cables when there has never been a  verified test where anyone was able to tell the difference.  Every serious, well known A/V organization will tell you that moderately priced digital (USB, HDMI, Ethernet) cables are all you need for 100% audio and video throughput and quality. 

Don't  be a dummy; spend your money like you have a clue.  And don't be fooled by the pseudo-high tech babble you read here made up by self proclaimed pseudo-audio experts.  That they buy these high priced trinkets says all you need to know about their qualifications.
“Every serious, well-known AV organization will tell you...”

Blah, blah, blah, blah......🤗