It must be quite the burden being the only sane person in a world full of delusional people. I must I have deluded myself into thinking that the ethical lapse of Mr.Aczel mattered; I was really against the religion he preached.
It is amazing that he continued to publish so long given that the only message was that it really did not matter and one is wasting money when buying anything but the cheapest stuff out there--that should have been a one-issue publication (the notable exception would be stuff that he has a vested interest in--with that stuff one could really hear the difference).
It is amazing that he continued to publish so long given that the only message was that it really did not matter and one is wasting money when buying anything but the cheapest stuff out there--that should have been a one-issue publication (the notable exception would be stuff that he has a vested interest in--with that stuff one could really hear the difference).